1 том 1) Red Red Wine 2) Limited Condition 3) Rose-Coloured Path 4) Dark Nights-Open Doors (Зоро/Санджи) 5) Who's the Head Honcho? 6) Social Languages & Strategies (Service Limit) 7) Uncharted Island 8) Unpredictable Weather (The Sun the Clouds and the Storm / Storm Clearing within the Hour) (Санджи/Зоро) 9) A Beginning of Monadism (Peculiarities of the Cogito Syndrome) Изначально публиковался в One Piece dj - A Beginning of Monadism 10) 3 Days of Extreme Extravagance (Le Jour De Repos) (Зоро/Санджи) 11) Goodbye Master Chef(Goodbye Chef) (Санджи/Зоро) 12) Aka no You na Himitsu (Зоро/Санджи) Также публиковалась в Sayura Hachi Version ZxS Hachimaru 2 том 1) Here's to you, Miss Glorious! 2) At the…