1 том 01) Red Red Wine 02) Limited Condition 03) Rose-Coloured Path 04) Dark Nights-Open Doors (Зоро/Санджи) 05) Who's the Head Honcho? 06) Social Languages & Strategies (Service Limit) 07) Uncharted Island 08) Unpredictable Weather (The Sun the Clouds and the Storm)(Санджи/Зоро) 09) Peculiarities of the Cogito Syndrome 10) 3 Days of Extreme Extravagance (Зоро/Санджи) 11) Goodbye Master Chef 2 том 1) Here's to you, Miss Glorious! 2) At the Battlefield 3) Meanwhile the Situation Grew Worse 4) Swear on your Life Keeping my Secret (Санджи/Зоро) 5) It's not so Bad but They can be Eaten 6) Natural Selection 7) Standing at Crossroads 8) A Walk Until the Next Year 9) How's in the Absence of a Chef 10)…